12 October, 2023

About We Care and Friends

We Care and Friends is the center of activity for Annapolis, Maryland and has helped thousands of people.

We are a grass roots 501(c)3 organization, and the place to go for those who have no one to turn to for help…the safety net for the safety net.

Our Current Initiatives are

Substance abuse/Drug treatment assistance.

Support for the homeless.

Prison Re-entry Mentorship and Assistance.

Financial Literacy, Entrepreneurship, Economics Classes for All Ages.

We Care and Friends is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization supported by grants , and mostly generous contributions from individuals like you. Your tax-deductible contribution will help us advance our mission to create strong families, and communities in areas affected/infected by drugs, poverty, and crime. Your help is greatly needed, and the opportunities are many.

To Support Financially… Please click the link below.
