Drug & Alcohol Treatment
Is your life out of control? No money to cover the cost of treatment? Not sure where to start?
The first step is to pick up the phone (410-263-2874) and let We Care and Friends support you. We Care and Friends can help you find the treatment you need even when you do not have money or insurance.
Our trained counselors are available to discuss your situation and find the best drug treatment program for you when you are ready to go. The decision is yours.
For those who ask for our help and finish the drug treatment program, we have an 82% success rate of keeping clean after drug treatment because we help you get into the program and we help you when you get home with your family, housing and employment.
Drug addiction crosses boundaries of gender, race and economic standing and affects not only you as the addict but also your children, siblings, parents and friends.
We Care and Friends helps you with:
- intervention with police
- representation in court
- meetings with families
- organization of pre-admission health appointments
- transportation to the drug treatment center
- costs of the drug treatment center for clients in need
- completion of a drug and alcohol treatment program
- reintegration to the community through education, work, and housing
If you are interested in joining our movement as a participant, mentor or donor, contact us at 410-263-2874 or email larry@wecareandfriends.org.